We always want to present a polished appearance. Hair must be up off the back of your neck and slicked away from the face in either a ponytail, bun or French braid
-A bun is mandatory for all Ballet exams.
-No jewelry is allowed for safety reasons. Necklaces can break. Rings can fly off. Earring backs fall.
All genres need to wear modest dance clothes at all times: no tummies showing, low neckline or indecently short shorts, skip pants should be worn under skirts/dresses.
-No uncomfortable pants which restrict movement.
Neat dance warm ups (leggings and ballet jersey) may be worn only until your muscles are warm. Young students may wear a sweater if necessary during the winter. Cover ups must be worn to and from class. Never enter or leave the studio in only your dance attire.
-Do not wear dance shoes outside. Doing so ruins the sole and also attracts dirt, oil and gravel into the class making the floor slippery and dangerous to dance on.
Dress code.Girls:
Baby ballerinas, Tiny Tots 1 and 2, Pre Primary, Primary: Pink leotards, long pink stockings (with feet attached, not those open at the feet) Ballet skirt optional
Grades: Navy leotard, long pink stockings (with feet attached) Ballet skirt optional
Shoes: Baby ballerinas - Grade 2: Pink ballet shoes with elastics worked on to the shoes over the top foot area. This is compulsory otherwise the shoe feels like it is slipping off making it difficult to point properly.
Majors: Black leotard, long pink stockings, pink ballet shoes/delcos with ribbons.
Shoes Grade 3 and up: Pink ballet shoe with ribbons worked on neatly.
The elastics or ribbons may not be worked on with a machine. The threat are not suppose to show on the outside of the shoe.
Suggestion: Please put your child's name inside the instep of all shoes. The studio is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.
Boys: Black dance pants, sweat pants or Hip Hop pants. T shirt or muscle shirt.
Shoes: White socks and Black Canvas ballet shoes for exams.
Hip Hop
Sneakers or comfortable dance tekkies.
Neat comfortable dance clothes/track suits.